Well a clueless club, clueless manager and our fans

By Annis Abraham

Fans were walking out in their thousands with nearly 30 minutes of the game left. Heaven forbid if we went down two divisions. We would have a stadium holding 33,000 fans and probably have less than 10,000 fans to watch us.

Why would you pay all that money, travel from your home and walk out with 30 plus minutes to go?

Cardiff City 0 Hull City 4

You could feel in the stadium from the first minute the match kicked off there was no belief in our fans. I said I would judge Ole after 12 games and it’s been 10 games now but I can’t hold back my feelings or my opinion of him.

After watching game after game, I can – as a fan – see a clueless manager in my eyes. He has brought 7 players in and I honestly don’t know why Ole has brought in two of them. Any fan can see that they would not be good enough for the Championship never mind the Premier League. Yes Mats will eventually make it, and is a class act, but he needs another year before he is brought in to play week in week out.

Kenwyne Jones I thought worked hard today, but it was nothing that Gestede could not have done and I honestly never rated Gestede.

Fabio and Zaha have class about them, but then they do nothing for 20 minutes.
As far as Cala is concerned we can only wait and see.

Before anyone says anything, we all got behind Ole when he arrived and Ole was made to feel very welcome.

Ole seems a gentleman, he wants to be liked and like he says he is enjoying every moment here. Well Ole, I am not enjoying watching the football. Your management to me looks clueless and I honestly believe Tan chose you for your name as a footballer and never had a clue himself regarding you being a Premier League manager.

Yes I am probably being very harsh with my comments, but it’s how I feel at this very moment after seeing us embarrassed versus the Jacks and today another total embarrassment against a very ordinary Hull side.