Caulker is a quality player that we need to keep

By Vince Alm

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Interesting debate about Steven caulker where it appears the view of more than a few on this messgaeboard they would gladly see him leave!

Is this purely based on the 2nd half of the season where he found himself with a different centre half, full backs, and midfield every game. Then with the six midfielders, and attacking players along with the two full backs bombing on like charge of the light brigade leaving the centre halves and goalkeeper exposed to world class players on the counter attack, with plenty of pace and power would make any top defender look ordinary?

Because if it is based on the first half of the season under Malky Mackay you must have been watching a different player to me!
Several man of the match performances under a settled defence and team not the most exciting but effective tactics he was the rock on many of our good performances until christmas it look like we would have enough to stay up. the change of manager brought a change in the play with players who had been bought for the more defensive style of football tight unit contain and catch teams on the break to the more open all action style, unfortunately many of the players looked ordinary in the 2nd half of the season due to the change in the style of play.
I hope we keep him he will be outstanding in the championship he is a true leader with plenty of ability with premiership quality, and would give us a good quartet of centre halfs for the long campaign ahead.