Annis Abraham : No excuses really still shell shocked

By Annis Abraham

Were not in the Premier League anymore,where we were getting humiliated every week last season. We are now in the Championship, with the best squad of players you could ask for and playing at home,so please No excuses for todays humiliation.

We were 2nil up, in total control of the game,best football under Ole for a long long time and by half-time we could of even been 3 or 4 nil up and then to concede 4 goals in the second half 😮 😯

I am shocked by the quality of players we had out there and yet,we played in the second half like we did last season in the Premier League.
I have never seen such a jekyll and Hyde performance like that in many a year.

We started the game off with Kenwyne Jones making their keeper make a save within minutes, we were all over them first half and controlled it. Ole had tinkered with the first team once again, but once Joe Ralls had put us 1 nil up and Aron Gunnarsson had made it 2 nil, I really thought this is it and never mind about the tinkering.

Yet come second half, it was Norwich straight from the off, tearing us apart and putting Cameron Jerome on against us was a master stroke by Norwich.
Declan John had come on for Fabio(Fabio went off injured at half time).

Time after time they tore us apart and our defence was split wide open and it was only a matter of time before we were going to concede and when we did, the flood gates opened and we conceded 4 😮 and it could of been more.

Ive only just got home from the game and really havent got my had around to this result? ? ?

Why take of Kenwyne Jones? he was every where, from defending to attacking, thats a mystery and Jones is not injured.

Also very sad by our club, the clocks not working in the first half, we will continue to do our 1927, its all we have left to sing about.

I thought Brayford had his worse game today and up and till today he has been by far one of our best players,hopefully just a bad day.

There was No leader ship out there and no desire to fight once Norwich had scored, reminded me of last season.

My man of the match Aron Gunnarsson.

I am not panicking yet as we have the squad to put it right, starting with Boro home this Tuesday night