Annis Abraham : Who will buy or pay for them?

Its easy to say yes, lets off load 12 Cardiff City players this January. But who is going to afford to buy them or even pay their wages? Many are on £35,000 min basic wages and even the lower wage players are on £5,000- £10,000 basic wages.
Then the other other clubs if they are buying them, have to pay signing on fees.

We know we have well over paid,this is not a blame who for this, this is now about how we clear out players at a minimum loss to our club.

So does this mean, we pay them off and take more losses?

Do we just loan them out and pay some of their wages?

Will it be hard to sell them?

Slade will be bringing in at least 4 players on a lot less wages,but he has to get rid of 4 players first, that should be ok,but I cant see us getting rid of 12 players that easy on their wages.

Can you?


Are these 12 players the ones that Russell Slade will look to sell or loan out in January ?

Juan Cala.
Guido Burgstaller.
Javi Guerra.
Magnus Wolff Eikrem.
Jo Inge Berget.
Mats Moller Daehli.
Kim Bo-Kyung.
Declan John.
Kagisho Dikcagoi.
Etien Velikonja.
Ravel Morrison.
Kadeem Harris.