Carl Curtis : No more Vincent Tan
Vincent Tan’s cut backs at the club are plain for all to see, it has been discussed on here many times over, from manager wages, slimming the size of the squad, programme booths, stewards etc
Tan was propping up the club by putting in over £1million per month but after the summer sales minus the cost of players bought plus the parachute money and normal championship income streams, Ole’s contract has not been paid up, neither has Malky’s.
I am told that Tan is no longer putting money in each month.
Those in the club do not know Tan’s plans and really don’t know what is going on and are kept in the dark.
I personally believe that Tan is trying to balance the books to make the business more appealing to possible future investors but we do seem to have gone from one extreme to another.
Many fans have said what their tipping point or breaking point has been and I am wondering has Tan reached his breaking point ?