Carl Curtis : Anything is possible and the unexpected does happen

Today was always going to be special for obvious reasons but to cap it off with a win has made it a perfect weekend for City fans.

Events off the pitch had got a buzz going around the club that has been missing for a long time but seeing the team run out as the Bluebirds at home filled my heart and nearly filled my eyes too, I came very close I will admit it. I think the ongoing campaign and realising the dream was a little overwhelming.

On the pitch, City were no different to their set up and performances of recent times but there was a huge difference, the fans were behind the team, and I honestly believed it helped.

Winning any game is good but keeping a clean sheet is a huge bonus too, the players fitness levels are much better than they were when Russell Slade arrived and the manager and his coaching staff deserve praise for rectifying that.

The players didn’t look anywhere near as jaded as they have in the past.

The result gives me confidence but the performance and display didn’t, I left the game thinking if we play like that in every game of the season we will see more defeats than wins but Slade has been granted a second start and his reign over the team seems to be starting over again.

I will go to Norwich next week hopeful we can come away with a point but I had hoped at the start of the season that we would go into most games confident we could get wins.

It is an obvious work in progress and Slade is under instruction to reduce the wage bill and it will continue until we have squad that is on comparable wages to most Championship clubs, I am not against this strategy and actually I am in favour of it but the question is whether Slade can get it right?

I hope that fans realise that Slade is restructuring his squad and remember this will not happen in one transfer window.

But today is about positivity and at the start of the week, I expected Fulham to beat a red City side so who knows what can happen and what is around the corner.

Anything is possible and the unexpected does happen.