Carl Curtis : Never felt so positive after a draw

Rough justice but I feel a more positive after the game than I did before the kick off.

Our possession was much better than it has been in months, we finally saw wing play even if we didn’t create an abundance of clear cut chances.

Peltier and Kennedy looked like a pair of players who had played many times together, the winger was excellent tonight, he didn’t give the ball away, he took the full back on and when he had to play it simple he did just that. Peltier would go outside Kennedy when the little winger chose to cut inside, that is a partnership that I hope will develop and was a huge positive fir me tonight.

Kenwyne Jones and Eoin Doyle should be the two starters up top, KJ won everything in the air and Doyle is a willing runner but the criticism of Doyle is his first touch, tonight the ball was not brought under control with his first touch and it is something I hope the coaches will work on with him.

Malone and Noone over on the left had better games tonight, they weren’t as switched on as Peltier and Kennedy but there was definitely improvements in both their games.

Manga was excellent yet again and it is easy to see he is going to be a fans favourite.

I was critical of Slade over the course of the past week but tonight he and his team deserved to win the game.

There is plenty of work to be done but if we can build on tonight’s performance, which saw us play for both halves and not just the usual one half then a win is on the cards very soon.

It goes to show to me anyway how poor we have been when I feel as positive as I do tonight despite conceding a last minute equaliser but nobody can dispute we deserved all three points tonight and Slade deserves some slack on the criticism because there were positives and signs of improvement.

If we play as we did tonight against Huddersfield this Saturday then I will be backing City for an away win.

There was desire in the players performances tonight and they rolled their sleeves up and took the game to Blackburn, it is more than a shame we didn’t get all three points but the players can hold their heads up.