Carl Curtis : CCFC update on more players to be sold


The cost cutting at the club will continue in the summer and the players who have value will be sold if there are takers, I was told today.

Manga, Marshall, Noone and Morrison are players that the club will look to move on as they represent the biggest income of transfer fees in the squad.

Manga in particular should get the club the money back they paid for him with his impressive displays and no doubt we should make money on Marshall and Noone too.

Kenwyne Jones due to his high wages is another who will likely see the exit door in the summer.

Declan John is not in Slade’s immediate plans but the youngster is determined to stay and fight for his place, he wants to stay at City, could Declan be a cheaper option as a winger for the club ?

I believe that Russell Slade needs a strong finish to the season and if he doesn’t then I do not believe he will still be City manager at the start of next season.

Paul Trollope is impressing the board at the club since he came In and along with Martyn Margeston, the club are building the coaching team around these two.

Scott Young will be kept on as part of the coaching staff as junior coach to learn the ropes off more experienced coaches and is seen as someone who fits the bill of keeping a local lad among the coaching team and who has a connection with the club like Alan Curtis has at Swansea.

Season Ticket sales are still very slow but City are hopeful they will pick up towards the end of March as the deadline to securing your same seat approaches.