Carl Curtis : Cardiff City fans have absolutely no chance

A meeting was held last night at the Cardiff City Stadium, it was the regular SLO meeting with the representatives of the travel club plus there were individual supporters invited to attend as well.

:ayatollah: FAN’S SURVEY  :ayatollah:

The recent survey that was emailed out was sent to 1,700 season ticket holders by the club, there were no duplicates sent out and the responses have been read and are being taken very seriously, the club was shocked at some of the feedback and the officials are disappointed that so many of the fans feel disillusioned with the club.

The club hope to address our concerns by engaging with fans, listening to our complaints and thoughts and have vowed to do everything in their power to make the stadium feel like a home again and to entertain the fans in the best possible way. Many fans replied to the survey claiming the match day experience is not something they enjoy anymore.

Many fans are turning up late or just before kick off so the club are looking to entertain the fans before each home match and at half time starting next season, plans are that beer tents will be erected around the ground and an area similar to the away end at Wigan has been looked at but for the home supporters at the CCS.

Wayne Nash in a conversation with Annis today said ” the club cares about the fans and will do everything to please the fans”.


Another suggestion that was prominent in the survey was swapping the Family Stand and Canton Stand ends but there is absolutely no chance whatsoever, while the current people running the club on a daily basis, allow that to happen, it is something that the club are adamant about never mind the cost implications of swapping the ends which would be an additional £400k per season in extra policing and stewarding, so no matter how much we protest or canvass for it, the club will not be swayed.

:bluescarf: VINCENT TAN AND THE COLOUR/NEW CREST  :bluescarf:

Ken Choo has been influential in such a short space of time and it was Choo who persuaded Vincent Tan to change the colour and badge to get the fans back on board, Choo was concerned by the number of fans not turning up to support the club and believes that reversing the rebrand was paramount in getting fans back through the turnstiles would be the start.

It was reiterated that Vincent Tan “does not do failure” and he wants this club to succeed, the club want Tan to feel welcome at the stadium and hope that fans welcome him to make him feel wanted so Tan falls back in love with club, if that happens the hope of the staff is that Tan may do what it takes to push the club back to the Premier League.

The club believe there are three types of Cardiff City fans, there are hardcore fans who will continue to be there no matter what,then there are those who will come when club are doing well on the pitch and then there are those who pick and choose their games. The club want to try and get all these fans back and believe they will but it obviously depends on how well the team are doing and that the fans enjoy the match day experience.


Vincent Tan believes that Russell Slade will get it right at Cardiff City and the current thought process is that Slade will be allowed two more transfer windows to clear out the players he doesn’t want and to shape his squad. Slade has got the support of the owner and unless there is a drastic run of results then Russell Slade will continue to be the manager for the foreseeable future.

:bluescarf: AWAY GAMES :bluescarf:

The club were surprised at how slow the Brentford ticket sales were but they will sell out the near 1,600 tickets we were allocated but they expected an early rush for the tickets and they put the three match qualifier in place anticipating a quick sell out but there are just under 100 tickets available and they are confident they will sell them before Saturday.

I got spaces for Brentford for anyone still interested but be quick as I say above there are just under 100 tickets left. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=155491  :thumbup:

Our away support has not been as good as expected and the number of Cardiff City stewards travelling to away games has dropped from twelve at the start of the season to just six now.

:shock: SEASON TICKETS :shock:

Season tickets sales are extremely poor so far, the club are worried by it and don’t want lose you, fans need to remember the deadline to secure their seat is the end of this month.