Carl Curtis : Birmingham fans try to attack Family Stand/Pictures & story


Birmingham fans were embarrassed this afternoon at the Cardiff City Stadium due to the behaviour of some mindless idiots, I can say that some of the brummies were embarrassed because Annis spoke to a couple of them who said exactly that.

There were groups of Birmingham lads in town from early on and were holed up in a pub by kiwis with police cordoning off the pub were they drank.

But there was shocking scenes in the stadium, after seeing a couple of Birmingham fans ejected from the away end, a group of their fans turned their attention to our family stand, it went beyond the usual banter and turned into violence. I didn’t see anything being thrown myself but a few people are saying that coins and such were thrown at the families of Cardiff fans behind the goal.

A couple of stewards were caught up in amongst the idiots and took a few hits themselves and one brummie smacked a copper square on the jaw, his helmet flying off and the guy was as expected pulled over the segregation line beford being frogmarched down the stand to the awaiting police, another six were taken out, taking the number to approximately ten being removed.

A heavy police presence remained between the away fans and the family stand for the rest of the game but what I found bizarre was the police spotters were filming the family stand from the top of the steps and not the idiots in the away end.

I fully expect there will be early morning knocks on doors in Birmingham in the next few days and I would think the one who punched the copper in the face will be facing a stretch.

Older Birmingham lads think it is well out of order of the behaviour of their younger lot and the way they behaved towards the family stand.


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