Annis Abraham : Standing ovation and the response

:ayatollah: ‘ STANDING OVATION & THE RESPONSE ‘  :ayatollah:

This will show how well Cardiff City played last night even though we lost 3-1 away at Ipswich,at the end of the game,every City player walked right over to us,even though the tunnel was the other side of the pitch and the 197 City fans stood up and applauded everyone of them for their battling/110% display and their response was that at least 6 players threw their shirts to our fans  :thumbright:  :thumbright:  :ayatollah:  :ayatollah:  :bluescarf:  :bluescarf:

Last night really did remind me of the good old days when our fans and team were united as one, no matter what the score line was  :thumbright:  :ayatollah:  :bluescarf:

Maybe we are better off with out the Glory hunters  :lol:  :thumbright:  :ayatollah:  :bluescarf: