Annis Abraham : Uninspiring/No future/Won’t help season ticket sales

My View/Opinion


I have No Confidence in Russell Slade for next season.

Cardiff City 3 Blackpool 2
Joe Mason
2 Penalties Doyle

Crowd 26,357  :shock: Where did they get this crowd from?  :lol:

Cardiff City : Marshall, Peltier, Fabio, Ecuele Manga, Morrison, Gunnarsson, Ralls, Noone, Kennedy, Mason, Doyle.

Subs: Moore, Turner, Gabbidon, Pilkington, O’Keefe, Harris, Maynard.

Cardiff City today were entertaining rock bottom Blackpool who since being relegated have lost their 3 games in a row and conceded 8 goals,Blackpool have one of the worst records in all 4 divisions and had not won away this season, were Cardiff finally going to win in front of their loyal fans?

For me today was like watching us play a 3rd division team, I honestly felt there was nothing about us that could make me think,Slade is the man for next season.

Doyle made all the running to give Mason the chance to make it 1 nil and Mason put it away well  :thumbright: after a slow start by Cardiff City.

In the 22nd minute Ralls went off for Stuart Okeefe.

27th minute Fabio hit the crossbar.

Gunnars 2 minutes later was brought down and Doyle took his penalty well to make it 2 nil  :thumbright:  :thumbright:

To be fair City dominated the first half  :thumbright: but without making that many chances.

Half-time 2-0 City  :thumbright:

Blackpool brought on ex Jack Orlandi and he scored to make it 2-1 in the 47th min  :shock:

The game went very quite for a long period until Marshall was kicked and he ended up tussling with Blackpools number 34. It woke the crowd up  :lol:

69th min Noone off Pilkinghton on.

Within minutes Pilkinghton had a shot saved  :ayatollah:

City came alive and in the 75th minute Doyle got his 2nd penalty to make it 3-1 City  :thumbright:  :thumbright:

Joe Mason was taken off for Nicky Maynard in the 84 minute.

As the game came to a close,City went back to sleep and bang Blackpool scored 3-2  :shock:

Then in the 92nd minute Marshall had to make a save,to stop the game becoming an embarrassment of 3-3  :o :shock:

Thankfully we won 3-2  :thumbright:  :ayatollah:

My man of the match Eion Doyle was everywhere today and deserved his 2 penalty goals  :thumbright:

I am honestly glad the season is virtually over.

Up next Nott’s Forest Away next Saturday