Latest CCFC director and shareholder information

By Keith Morgan.

On 1 October Cardiff City Football Club (Holdings) Limited filed its latest Annual Return updating the above information to 29 August 2015.

In the director information , Ken Choo is not listed although I am pretty sure he had been appointed to this main board role as well as to the football club company.
The 7 directors listed are Steve Borley , Derek Chin, Mehmet Dalman , Michael Isaac , Meng Wong Lim , Datuk Lye and Danni Rais so that the Malaysian nationals continue to hold a voting majority on the board.

The total shares in issue as at 29 August 2015 were just over 150m in number (150,155,267)and the biggest single shareholder by far is Tan Sri Dato`Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun holding 133,862,466 shares which is just over 89% of all the shares in issue.
To get a 1% shareholding , a shareholder would have to have just over 1.5m shares.From a quick scan of the list , only the following have as many as that:-

Rudgwick Ltd (Sam Hammam`s company) – 1.86m (1.2%)
Michael Isaac – 11.2m (7.2%)
The only other shareholder getting anywhere near to a 1% holding is S Dudley and Sons Ltd – 1.28m (0.8%).

There are 462 other shareholders , but virtually all of them hold only token amounts of shares. 98% of the shares are held by just 4 shareholders , with just one of those holding over 89%.