By Annis Abraham

You have to ask, away from what’s happening on the pitch what the… Is going on with the non-football management.

For me Slade has a tough enough job managing our Championship team and looking for his own players.

Slade would not be my first choice by a long way,as I don’t think he has the qualities or plan b to take a club up from the Championship,but he has achieved this season by far, more than I thought he would, in fact I thought we would be in the bottom half all season. And you never know, Slade still might make the plays-offs.

But away from the every day managing of the team, Slade has to contend with not knowing which player is going out next or what player Tan decides he wants to bring in.

Tony Watt was Slades choice,but he wasn’t able to keep him.

By Slades own admission Kenwyne Jones and Joe Mason were let go without even Slade knowing until virtually the deals were done and that I belive has happened with numerous players over the 14 months Slade has managed us.
A lot of players were not allowed to be even picked,because of their high wages or other reasons and Slade was the one they would continually knock on the door for answers.

Ive heard Slade is more stressed than we will ever realise and his job at Cardiff has probably been not only had hard enough on the field but virtually quite impossible at times to do off the field.

Yes Slade took the job on as manager,but I honestly don’t believe he knew what he had to contend with.

And don’t forget Slade takes all the stick,no one mentions Tan?

So I can’t see Slade wanting to stay after May even if asked too,but the big question is, who would take this type of job on under these conditions?