Vincent Tan, Mehmet Dalman and Ken Choo Yesterday

Vincent Tan, Mehmet Dalman and Ken Choo Yesterday at Charlton v Cardiff City

By Annis Abraham

Yes they were all welcomed yesterday in the away end ,40 minutes before kick -off, Tan had a good welcome from some City fans.

I can see it seems to interest many City fans why I chose not to thank him or shake his hand, but that’s my right and my prerogative and my own beliefs and opinions should be respected, I’m not a sheep, I’m my own man and always have been.

As a Ive detailed below, Tan is the only person in 43 years to have hurt me that much regarding my club I love so do dearly and always supported no matter what.

I managed to have another good chat with our chairman Mehmet Dalman(as you can see below in the photo by the press)and he asked if we could have a meeting with myself and Carl and discuss about how we could unite our club, I have said that’s all I really want to see happen and I agreed to it.

I am hoping that Tan will be present without an audience looking on and it’s not a show and we really can sort our differences out for the good of our club.

Dalman and I did discuss next seasons season tickets and that we need to get our lost fans back.

We did discuss Langston and I am happy with what Dalman told me.

What I wrote the other day :
I’ve always said this and I have supported my team/club no matter who the owner/manager/chairman is, my love for the name Cardiff City comes way above them.

I’ve never failed to turn up because of bad results/colour etc. I’ve moaned and stood up to owners/managers etc but my team/club has always come first unlike thousands of others who have just stopped going and made every excuse up.

43 consecutive seasons I’ve renewed my season ticket and Ive seen it all, over 2,000 City games from friendlies,reserve games, to cup games I’ve watched Cardiff play. Tan was the nearest I’ve ever come to walking away from my club but I stood strong and stood up for our identity and never walked away or moved on like many said to do, who don’t go nowadays.

We are all allowed to believe how we feel and should be respected, like I respect others beliefs and opinions, that’s all I’ve got to say on the matter.

I will be at Charlton tomorrow and at Middlesbrough on a Tuesday night (my 12th visit) supporting my team, my club.