By Carl Curtis
Today has seen one of the biggest opening day sales of season tickets for many a year, only beaten by the Premier League season ticket sales and we’ve sold five times as many season tickets on this opening day than we did last year. It has to be said though that last year was an all time low for the new stadium on opening day season ticket sales.

The average attendance this season for home league matches sits at just 14,429 which is around a 6,000 decrease from last seasons average. The highest gate for a single league match this season has peaked at 15,461 which is over 10,000 less than last season’s highest of 26,357.

Cardiff City are hopeful of at least 16,000 season tickets holders for next season.

Two gigantic flags v leeds in Canton Stand, crowd surfing sized flags, the club had paid for these thanks to Vince Alm for pushing the idea forward and wanting to create an atmosphere.

The club are looking at the possibility of 6 match midweek season ticket, it has been put forward by members of the travel group at last nights meeting and Ken Choo will make a decision on whether this happens.

The club are also looking at a flexible season ticket, where you purchase a season ticket for a certain amount of games over the course of the campaign but paid for up front, possibly 10 game season ticket.

There is a RV for Bristol City on Saturday, there are two times, the first is at 10.45am and the other at 11.15am, it is a shock as it has come as a late announcement after being told that originally there would be no restrictions whatsoever. The supporters club and travel group have sounded their dissatisfaction at the RV.

Middlesbrough have complimented the 154 Cardiff City fans on their behaviour and for the applause they joined in with and stood up in support and recognition to the Boro commentator who sadly passed away recently.

Cardiff City are pleased to announce that there have been no major incidents at matches this season with supporters, other than a minor incident at Charlton between City youth and Charlton’s youth, there has been nothing to report. The Police also backed this up.

The Sheffield Wednesday away game could possibly be changed to either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday live on Sky fixture, so I wouldn’t advise anyone to go ahead with booking any travel arrangements just yet until there is confirmation whether or not the game is shown live on Sky.

Cardiff City are looking to bring in two new Directors to join the current football board.

Michael Filiou, has already departed the club, as has former director Michael Isaac, who was voted off the board recently.