By Annis Abraham

Before you read all this,I have not totally given up on this season,but 4 wins from 5 is a tall order.

If as it seems likely Russell Slade gets a new contract for next season(2016-17) from Vincent Tan,for me then everything that happens from the first League game will be all down to one man Russell Slade.

In the 18months Slade has been Cardiff City’s manager,he has had to virtually manage our team not knowing if any player could be sold the following day and has had to win the fans over more than Ive seen any other manager has had to do at Cardiff City in my time of supporting our club and when I mean win the fans over from day on, the majority including myself have not wanted him here and some,which has been out of order have verbally abused him and continually been negative towards him.
Not only that, the media have not helped at all,they’ve gone for him week after week.

Slades job this last 18 months was not only to manage the team,but to help balance the accounts.

Then to top it all this season,Slade has managed to get City to at least 7th in the Championship without any money.

Now many will argue that he has inherited a squad full of talent and yes he has,but also full of of players who were on big wages,but but were dividing the club behind the scenes and failing on the field.

The football under Slade was dire for his first 8 moths,but has improved vastly and our home record is up there with the best this season.

I have been very disaapointed in Slade regarding giving our youngsters a chance.

Slade has also signed about 16 players and only about 4 are guaranteed to play.

I thought we would be relegation candidates this season under Slade,even though we had a squad full of talent,Slade proved me wrong.

Would I have chosen Slade for next season,NO,but if he is here which looks likely,then I will be supporting Slade 100%,but it will all be 100% down to him.

I will say this though,next season,Slade now knows how Tan works,the fans expectations and still has a squad full of talent.
So for me its Top 6 at least next season, end off.