We done what was needed – What’s the issue ?

‘ We done what was needed – What’s the issue ? ‘

By Carl Curtis


We totally dominated the game today, 77% possession, 27 shots and we won !!

I ask people again to think back to the start of the season and try and remember what your expectations were !

Personally I didn’t think we would be in with a shout of a play off place, ok I admit that recent results have not gone the way we have hoped, or even expected, but it doesn’t change the fact we are going to Sheffield Wednesday next week with something to play for.

City started brightly and it was a free kick against the run of play that shell shocked not only David Marshall but the crowd as well but the team kept plugging away during the first half but couldn’t find that goal despite their efforts.

Slade played Zohore, which many wanted to see happen, he made a substitution that many thought he wasn’t capable of doing, he took off a centre half and replaced him with a winger, albeit City were playing against 10 men but anyone who has played or watched football before will understand that playing against 10 men, especially a side who are already 1-0 up, is not always the best thing to happen.

Sheffield Wenesday dropped two points and we won, very little has changed, we still have to go to Wednesday and win and then follow that up against Birmingham the week later and hope, pray and cross everything we can that Wolves do us a favour and take points off Wednesday.

It is still on, it is still as difficult as it was at midday but we have done what we needed to do and got the win, elsewhere the result that mattered went our way, maybe it is fate but while there is a chance I will still be positive.

Had we won 5 or 6 nil today, we would still have to go to Wednesday and win, we would still need to beat Birmingham on the final day.

It wasn’t pretty, it was tense this afternoon but for those who saw players like Noone celebrate at the final whistle will know there is still fight left in the players.

Can we go to Wednesday and win ?

Who knows but I would rather be going there with a chance than nothing at all, and at the start of the season I didn’t believe we would be going to Hillsborough with a possibility still of making the play offs.