By Carl Curtis


From the kick off right through to half time there was only one team today that looked likely to score and it certainly was not QPR.

Ok, Cardiff City didn’t have a shot on target in that first half but we were more than comfortable in defence and the midfield three of Whittingham, Ralls and Immers were linking the play with wing backs Richards and John, the build up play was positive and on many occasions was done so with pace and energy.

QPR offered absolutely zilch from an attacking point of view in the first forty five and the biggest contribution they brought to the game was some heavy challenges which brought about two early yellow cards.

My fear at half time was that after watching QPR live on Sky last week, they looked a strong outfit in the second half against Leeds and our lack of creativity in the final third was something I thought could haunt us, which it duly did.

Ten minutes before QPR scored from the free kick today, I was saying to friends sat around me that I believed our best option was to push Immers further forward, just behind Pilkington, take off Gounongbe and bring on Huws.

I believed that Immers was the one player offering any chance of creating an opportunity but most, if not all, his good work was wasted in many respects as it was taking place too deep in our system. Immers was man of the match today for me as well.

When I saw Huws strip off, I thought this is exactly what Trollope is going to do but then Zohore got ready to come on as well and I just knew what Trollope was doing and in my opinion he made a massive mistake today.

Fans are repeatedly, and rightly so, praying for pacy striker to come in but again in my opinion, that is not our only problem, we need to create more chances for the strikers and that needs addressing before anything else.

We could have Ronaldo and Bale up front but if you are not going to give them service and quality balls to feed off then maybe they may not stand out as much as you’d expect.

I am not making a case for Gounongbe but more a case for the fact we have creative players but they are creative twenty yards further back than they should be.

I honestly believe that Cardiff City could and should have got something out of that game today but the double substitution put pay to that.

Trollope dropped a clanger today in my humble opinion.

City do need something different up front and I am praying that the manager is able to bring in a striker with pace, I said last week it is ‘work in progress’ and he certainly needs time to carry out that work but at the same time fans will want to see a change or two to the starting line up based on no goals scored in three games.

I was asked a question last week, ‘ What are your hopes for the season ?’

My answer was that my hopes are that we are in the top six, my expectation is mid table but there is a nagging doubt in my head that we could be in a relegation battle at some stage during the season.

From what I have witnessed in the three games so far nothing has changed my view but unless things improve in the goal scoring stakes then it could be a long arduous season ahead.