” The Fish Rots From The Head “




” The Fish Rots From The Head ”

By Gary Castleblue

I don’t agree that the club is rotten to the core to me that expression suggests corruption and, does anyone really believe that?

But I do believe that things are a long way from being OK in far to many areas of our club and, I find it difficult to look beyond the executive management levels, for the root cause of the problem.

I will offer the OP another expression: “The Fish Rots From The Head” and, in my opinion, the “Fish” that is Cardiff City Football Club is rotting and the person responsible is VT. I say this because he owns the club and, he makes the decisions regarding who he puts into the “Executive” positions to manage the day to day affairs of the club and he has made a pigs ear of it over and over.

Our current CEO is, in my opinion, a classic example of this and whilst he is a charming man, an experienced business administrator, a very good PR man, but, a man with absolutely no experience of understanding the requirements needed for a club to ” Compete” in the EFL Championship or, at any level higher or lower.The friendly smile together with his charming and engaging persona will take him so far but, when it comes to football he is not even borderline capable. he is incapable and unfit for purpose.

I nearly PMSL when I read his “Welcome Home” notes in the QPR programme in particular this section;


From Cardiff City match programme

Theres a sense of ‘new beginnings’ at Cardiff City this summer, with a number of changes having been made to the coaching staff and playing personnel that we feel have been of significant benefit to our chances on the field. The appointment of Paul Trollope as our new Head Coach at the start of the summer was one that we wanted to make quickly. Tan Sri Vincent Tan, the Board and I felt that Paul was the correct choice for us, particularly in the light of the respect he has amongst the staff and players and, of course, his knowledge of the club and his commitment to attractive, evolved, football.




New Beginings, Significant Benefit, Attractive, evolved, football, Really 😯 In my opinion this is why so many fans feel they are treated like mushrooms and fed nothing but, lets face it “Good Old Fashioned Bullshit” delivered but a “Good Old Fashioned Snake Oil Salesman”

I would love to know when VT, The Board and Ken Choo think the football will have “Evolved” to the point where the team can “Compete” on the field of play and, exactly where the club will be by the time this process of