” CRAIG NOONE? ? ? ”



By Annis Abraham



Craig Noone one minute Noone is on fire,then he virtually goes missing,then he’s on fire and clubs are all showing interest in him,Cardiff City hold on to him and then he goes missing again?

New managers come in and we all see the Craig Noone we love,then 5 games later for some reason Noone’s dropped,is there something we don’t know?
When Craig Noone first came from Brighton to Cardiff City, City supporters really thought they had a quality player on their hands and I personally thought the same,because when Noone plays well he’s a very exciting player to watch.
As a winger Noone easily guides past full-backs and was a constant danger during Cardiff’s season in the Premier League and every time a new manager is appointed at Cardiff.
Has Noone lost that sparkle,has he lost the appetite to want to be a hero at Cardiff City,why can’t Noone be consistent?
New Cardiff City manager Neil Warnock has shown a lot of faith in Noone since arriving at the club in October, but is Noone’s time finally running out at the Cardiff City and Noone himself may feel like he needs to move on to reignite his career?
Is Craig Noone one of the City players that Warnock will sell this January?

Could we get £1million for Noone,remember its not that long ago,clubs were thinking of paying £2million for him.

Would you sell Craig Noone this January?

I personally would sell him for £1million, as Noone is not consistent enough for me.