Neil Warnock today speaks live regarding Cardiff City’s trip to QPR,injuries,future signings and his plans.



Warnock gave a message to fans as he looks towards next season.

“I would say to all the fans, get your backside off your seats and get your season tickets bought now I’ve signed up for next season.”




Neil Warnock:


“The owners don’t really matter to me as long as they’re supportive”


“I knew there were talks (about selling the club) when I came here because I spoke to Mehmet about it,” Warnock said.

“But I’d be very surprised if anything happens in the next 12 months because Mehmet’s given me assurances. We’re all singing from the same hymn sheet.
“Mehmet and Vincent have been supportive of me from day one, so I haven’t got a problem.
“But if they want to sell it I would imagine the best time would be in the next 18 months.
“They’ll probably wait and see what happens next year.”


Warnock On Vincent Tan selling Cardiff City:

“He’s mentioned nothing to me, and it’s nothing to do with me, I don’t give him any advice on his business, he’s clever enough to do that. I would imagine he’ll tell me if he decides to sell. Nothing surprises me in football, I know there were talks, but I’d be surprised if anything will happen in next 12 months.”

“Mehmet has given me his assurances.”

“It won’t affect the players, they don’t care about anything else – they look after themselves don’t they.”







Latest injury news
Neil Warnock:

“We’ll be picking from the same squad as last week, I didn’t want to bring Halford and Pilkington on against Fulham, they weren’t quite right.”
“We could have got away with 10 or 20 minutes but didn’t want to risk that. They’re in consideration this way though.”

“Manga training very well too, he’s not ready or anything but better than we had envisaged – which was the end of the season.”

“Rhys Healey is having an operation, his injury is not exactly as bad as it was originally, one ligament is intact, one ripped.”

“We don’t know on a time scale, we’ll wait until the operation, they come back stronger from those sometime though with the way tehy wrap the ligament around.”
Neil Warnock:

“It will be fabulous, even when I see QPR fans they say it’s the best year they had, such a special year, they just came onboard, one not to forget. I’m really looking forward to it, I’ve not been back as manager, it’ll be a good atmosphere, they’ll be glad to see me, they’ll be behind their team though, they don’t give anything away there.”
Talks about Ian Holloway

Neil Warnock:
I’m a little bit bigger than him, only in height, he’s a lad isn’t he? I smile at his interviews, he smiles at mine.
He loves QPR like me, a passionate man. When you get the place buzzing it’s a great atmosphere.
Gradually clearing players he doesn’t want and in the next 12 months you’ll see a great difference.
He’s got a slightly different style to me, but he’s been successful hasn’t he?




Neil Warnock:
“Now we want to try and put the club in a place where we will be strong enough next season to have a go.

“We’ll be up against big budgets so we’ll have to be very good at what we do all over the club to give us a chance to get successful.”

Warnock praised the unity at Cardiff as he closes in on keeping a key player at the club for next season. Canadian international Junior Hoilett is set to stay and sign a new deal.

“We’re all singing from the same hymn sheet. I don’t think I have been unreasonable and I think they are desperate to do well – Vincent, Mehmet and (chief executive) Ken (Choo) – we all want the same thing,” Warnock said.

“We all want to do well though there are no guarantees – just look at Ranieri.

“My objective is to be as popular with Cardiff City fans here in 12 months time as I am now because we don’t know what’s around the corner.





Neil Warnock:

“It’s important to have everyone pulling in one direction, you don’t realise the factions you get in the playing side as well as in the office and in the background.”

“There’s a lot of bickering in some clubs, but you’ve got to look in the mirror and make sure every department knows they can do better. Everybody has got to play a role at the club, not just me.”
“It’s got to be a happy environment, and at the moment I’m enjoying coming into work in the mornings.”




Are Cardiff City safe from relegation now?

Neil Warnock:

“As logn as we get 50 points as soon as we can. I’d like to win every game but I know we won’t. When we’ve got 50 points there’s a little bit less pressure, and sometimes that brings the best out of players. But as a manager I thrive under pressure and not in the middle of the table.”